Sunday, February 22, 2009

Walgreens and Nature Valley...

Today we visited Lakewood church and had an amazing time listening to Inspirational speaker Joel Osteen and enjoyed praise and worship with Israel Houghton. We decided to stay for spanish worship and we were so glad we did....I can't remember the last time I felt God's presence in a worship service like today. Thank you Lord for blessing us with such an amazing experience!

Anyways, on our way back from church we stopped at Walgreens to pick up 20 prints that I got free!!! It was a one day thing last week and I just picked them up today. I saved $3.80!!! Yay!!

I also did the Nature Valley deal that is happening all this month at Wags. I was excited because these are my sons favorite snacks and can be quite pricey. But with this deal I was able to get 15 small packs and 3 Reynolds foils for $1.02 !!! (That's 0.06cents a pack). I bought the 15 coupons on e-bay just for this deal.

This is how I did it:

Trans. #1:

(5) Nature Valley twin packs @ $1.29 each = $6.45

(3) Reynolds Wrap @1.69 each = $5.07

TOTAL: $11.52

- (5) .50 Nature Valley MQ = -2.50

- in ad coupon for Reynolds making them 0.89 cents each X 3 = -2.40

- (3) 1.00 Reynolds MQ = -3.00

So 11.52 - 7.90 coupons = $3.62 but I received a $3.50 RR for buying 5 Nature Valleys!!

So, $3.62 - $3.50 = 0.12 cents!!!

The reynolds ended up paying me .33cents with the overage from the coupons making this transaction less than I expected!!!


(5) Nature Valley 6.45

minus (5) .50 MQ

Total: $3.95

received another $3.50 RR


Same as transaction #2!!!

So, I got $24.42 worth of stuff and payed $11.52 but got back $10.50 in RR's = $1.02 for everything!!!

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